Friday 6 July 2012

Deaf access update

Today is Thankful Friday and I am thankful that my quest to make NHS services more accessible for deaf people seems to be gaining momentum.

So far, I have had loads of feedback, supportive messages, offers of help and useful information given to me by all you lovely people on Twitter and through the blog. For the first time, in a long time, when it comes to improving services, I'm hopeful.

Not least, because I seem to have my contact from PALS on side. On the same day I emailed him, he said he would look into it and is now liaising with the equalities manager to see what can be done.

But things I've found out so far, is that many hospitals and GPs already use the vibrating disc system – Royal Free in London for example – and that lots of you lucky readers can book your GP appointments online.

It's really reassuring to know that not everyone faces the horrible challenges of trying to get medical help without being able to make vital phone calls or worrying you're NEVER going to hear your name called.

But, who am I to criticise the ancient ways of the NHS if I too am not bang up to date?

Which is why I've set up a Facebook page – a Deafinitely Girly Facebook page! How's about that, eh?

I'll mean, I can keep you up to date with my campaign when I don't have time to blog, and you can get in touch with me more easily than through the tricky Blogspot comments procedure.

So hit on me at here and click on that LIKE button… 

I would be very thankful on this Thankful Friday.

Cheers peeps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My audiology dept at Kings Mill Hospital could do with better access for deaf. But I won't be with them much longer as I have arranged to be transferred to Ropewalk Audilogy at Nottingham. And from reading on their website, they have improved access for their deaf patients. Sign yourself in boards, but wait for it...

a display that shows your name being called, to save staff having to tap your arm. Now if this is all working when I go there on tuesday for my appointment, then yipee i will be happy for an audiology department to finally do what they are doing. :)

DeafGirly: How I feel about being deaf at work

It's been a whole year since I posted a blog on here. Life's been happening. And I guess I am no longer 'deaf in the city and ha...