Friday 11 June 2010

Les Miserables again! Whoop

Hurrah, today is Thankful Friday and I'm thankful that true colours have been revealed this week.

You know when you're on the fence about something, unsure, but you can't put your fingers on what the problem is? Well, now I can! And I'm taking steps to eradicate the negative energy from my life!

Er… anyway, onto more sane topics, I am also thankful that I have a fun weekend planned, starting with seeing Miss K tonight, who I haven't seen for ages.

I will also be seeing The Singing Swede, Gingerbread Man and Friend Who Knows Big Words at some point, too.

And speaking of Friend Who Knows Big Words, I finally booked her 30th birthday present yesterday.

Turns out, she's always wanted to see Les Miserables, one of my favourite musicals, but with no subtitled performance until later in the year, and FWKBW's penchant for travel, I wanted to book it pronto.

So I emailed the box office, explained my deafness and would it be possible to get seats nearer the front to I could lipread and a lovely lady replied that ‘Yes, I could, and that I could have these premium seats for just £20 each!’


It's this kind of thing that makes me realise there are people on your side. People who realise that we do need seats near the front of things but can't afford premium rates – especially if there aren’t many subtitled showings.

It never fails to give me a big grin on my face when something lovely like this happens.

What amazing discounts and deals have you found for deaf people?

Let’s spread the word here!

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